[17] Yetunde Folajimi, 2013. A Digital Game Based Approach for Reducing the Scourge of Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria, International conference on Science and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Book of Abstracts, Pp 103 [18] Yetunde Folajimi and Tinuola Adeyemi, 2013. Framework for Adaptive Pedagogical System for undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Course. International conference on Science and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Book of Abstracts, Pp 104 [19] Yetunde Folajimi, Howell Istance and Vivien Rolfe, 2012. SCrisis Terminator: A Computer Game Based Learning Approach for Reducing the Scourge of Sickle Cell Anemia. EIE’s 2nd Intl’ Confernece on Computer, Energy, Network, Robotics and Telecommunication 2012. Pp 81-85. Otta, Nigeria [20] Yetunde Folajimi, 2012. Using Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) as a Language Translation Tool for Understanding Yoruba Language. . EIE’s 2nd Intl’ Confernece on Computer, Energy, Network, Robotics and Telecommunication 2012. Pp 86-91. Otta, Nigeria [21] Brusilovsky P., Hsiao I, Folajimi Y. 2011. QuizMap: Open Social Student Modeling and Adaptive Navigation Support with TreeMaps. European Conference of Technology Empowered Learning 2011: 71-82 [22] Folajimi, Y., Chiemeke, S., Longe, O. and Amaefule, C., 2010. Intelligent Simulation of Electronic Game to Promote Vocabulary Learning. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 1896-1902). Chesapeake, VA: AACE [23] Folajimi Y. O., Longe O. B, Amaefule S. and Ejiofor V. E., 2009. Profiling Deterministic Web-Based Scholars: An Intelligent Tutoring Infrastructure International Joint Conferenceson e-CASE and e-Technology (pp. 2393-2399). Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore. [24] Folajimi Y. O., 2009. Transforming Distant Pedagogical system to web Based collaborative system: An Intelligent tutoring System Infrastructure. World conference on E-Learning in corporate, government, Healthcare and higher Education. Sheraton wall center, Vancouver. pp 1618-1622 [25] Folajimi Y. O., Chiemeke S. C. and Akingbesote A., 2008. Towards Digital Solution to Community Banking Problems in Nigeria. In Richard Boateng Alemayehu Molla Victor Mbarika (Ed.), International Conference on ICT for Africa 2008 (p. 11). Yaounde, cameroon: Messie Printing Press, Yaounde. [26] Folajimi Y. O., Longe O. B., and Ejiofor V. E. 2008. Investigating Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Developing Internationally acceptable Educational software. 22nd National conference of Nigeria Computer Society volume 19 pp 243 – 248 [27] Folajimi Y., Ejiofor V. and Folajimi A. 2008 An assessment of computer literacy level in Nigeria and the realization of vision 2020. 2008. In proc. 22nd Conference of Nigeria Computer Society (ENCITDEV 2008). Vol 19 pp135-140. [28] Folajimi Y. O and chiemeke S. C.: Beyond Brute Force: Evaluating Intelligent Behaviours in Computer Versus Human Board Game. In proceedings of 23rd National Conference of Nigeria Computer Society. Asaba, Nigeria. Vol 21 pp 425-432 (2010) [29] Folajimi Y., Ejiofor V. and Folajimi A. 2008 Hampering satellite comunication security threats in Nigeria: the need for a critical infrastructure. 2008. In proc. 22nd Conference of Nigeria Computer Society (ENCITDEV 2008). Vol 19 pp 283-286 [30] Amaefule C. S., Egbeahadike C. O., Folajimi Y. O. and Akingbesote A. A Socio-Technical View of ICT Security Issues, Trends and Challenges, 2009. In proc 9th International conferecnce of Nigeria Computer Society. Vol 20. PP 125 – 132